Running Research Projects in the frame of P1-0285
Members of P1-0285 are currently leading the following research projects:
- J1-9108 Semiregular elements in 2-closures of solvable groups (2018-2021), basic research project, PI Dragan Marušič.
- J1-9110 Traversability of vertex-transitive graphs (2018-2021), basic research project, PI Klavdija Kutnar.
- N1-0062 Oddness degree of transitive permutation groups (2017-2020), customized project, PI Dragan Marušič.
- J1-7051 Independence and Domination in Structured Graph Classes (2016-2018), basic research project, PI Martin Milanič.
- N1-0038 Graphs and Odd Automorphisms (2015-2018), customized project, PI Dragan Marušič.
Members of P1-0285 are also members of several national and international research projects lead by other researchers:
- J1-9187 Action graphs and covering graph techniques (2018-2021), basic research project, PI Tomaž Pisanski.
- J1-9186 New computational tools at the PDB scale for drug discovery (2018-2021), basic research project, PI Dušanka Janežič.
- InnoRenew CoE - Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence (2017-2022), H2020 WIDESPREAD Teaming Phase 2, PI Andreja Kutnar.
- InnoRenew CoE - Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence (2015-2016), H2020 WIDESPREAD-1-2014-Teaming, PI Andreja Kutnar.
- N1-0032 Graphs, Groups, Configurations and Geometries (2015-2018), basic bilateral research project Slovenia - Hungary, PI Tomaž Pisanski.
- J1-6743 Computational tools development for modeling of pharmaceutically interesting molecules (2014-2017), basic research project, PI Dušanka Janežič.
- W³B - What we Wood believe? Societal perceptions of the forest-based sector and its products towards a sustainable society (2014-2016), WoodWisdom-Net+ - Promoting innovation in forest-wood sectorSpodbujanje inovacij v gozdno-lesnem sektorju, PI Tobias Stern (at UP Klavdija Kutnar).